Islandpferdezubehör - Ein Interview mit Sportsfreund - Studios
Interessierst du dich für Islandpferde oder besitzt sogar einen Isländer? Dann solltest du auf jeden Fall unser Interview mit Veronika Conen, Gründerin von Sportsfreund - Studios, lesen. Ihr Familienunternehmen, mit Sitz in München, entwirft Islandpferdezubehör, vor allem Decken, und lässt...
Ein Aktivstall: ein Ort, an dem Pferde sich wohlfühlen
Wir alle wollen, dass unsere Pferde glücklich und gesund sind. Dann genießen auch wir die Zeit im Stall noch mehr. Ein Aktivstall bietet deinem Pferd artgerechte Bewegung und Beschäftigung. Hier fühlen Mensch und Pferd sich wohl. In diesem Blogbeitrag berichten wir euch, wie ein Aktivstall funktioniert und warum wir uns für diese Haltungsform entschieden haben.
Species-appropriate horse husbandry: The natural needs of your horse

What does your horse need to live a healthy and happy life? What needs does it have? Species-appropriate horse husbandry helps to positively influence the behavior and health of your horse. It is therefore important that we find out about the needs of our animals and that we meet them as best we can. But what does species-appropriate horse husbandry actually mean?

Why is sustainability important in the fashion industry?
What does the fashion industry have to do with climate change, pollution and to do with the exploitation of people in the workplace? Unfortunately a lot! The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment.
Individual horse portraits in sustainable picture frames from Ecofray
Individual horse portraits 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly? This is now available in our online shop! We have teamed up with Scodyprint and Ecofray for this great project and the result is impressive: lovingly designed horse portraits, individually drawn by...
Which sweat rug for my horse?
Are you looking for a new sweat rug for your horse? But you are still not sure about the selection, especially about the size of the blanket? Then here are a few tips for you that we hope will help you.
Horse Rescue - How you can help horses in need
Horse rescue is an issue that affects us all. Every horse deserves to lead a species-appropriate life in dignity and safety. But unfortunately there are many horses that are in distress and need help. Here's how to tell when a horse needs help. We also have a few tips on how you can help horses in need - for example by supporting organizations like "4 Hufe im Glück".
Live sustainably – 8 simple tips to consume sustainably
Do your resolutions for the new year also include "I live sustainably", "I want to do more for the environment" or "I want to consume sustainably"? Then we have 8 simple tips for you here that should encourage you to shop more responsibly and consume more sustainably while reducing your own ecological footprint as much as possible.
Strengthening the bond with the horse: “talking” to the horse

Strengthening the bond with your horse requires trust and security. And most importantly, you need to record the conversation and “talk” to the horse. In this blog post you will learn 4 rituals that build trust between you and your horse.

Visit sustainable equestrian sports fairs
For many of you, a sustainable lifestyle and protecting the environment have become an important topic and it is impossible to imagine everyday life without it. It is also very important to us in the Hoofment team not only to pay attention to our ecological footprint in relation to riding clothing, but also in other areas of life! Therefore, on the occasion of our visit to the Hamburg Show Jumping and Dressage Derby, we would like to share a few tips with you on how you, as a visitor, can do something for the environment.
Understand my horse correctly
I'm sure you sometimes wish your horse could tell you what it's thinking or feeling. Although horses cannot speak, they communicate with us through their body language. We just have to listen to them properly. But how?
What is Lyocell sportswear and what makes it the perfect sustainable riding wear?
As you have probably already noticed, at Hoofment we always try to select the most resource-efficient material we can find for our sustainable riding clothing! And from our point of view, it is also super important to deal with this...
How useful is compensatory sport to horseback riding?

At Hoofment, our entire team consists of female riders, and we also do different types of sport to balance riding. Nevertheless, in our team we keep asking ourselves the question how can we best promote our riding fitness? That's why we turned to a professional and interviewed dear Mareike Krefl for you.

About on-demand production and no waste fashion

We all realize that the fashion industry produces an alarming amount of junk. Many items of clothing end up in the trash or are incinerated without ever being worn. Even when clothing is cut to size, there are leftovers that are disposed of unused. This is precisely what is avoided with sustainable approaches such as “on-demand production” and “no waste mode”.

What is microplastic and where does it come from?

If you find a plastic bottle on the beach, you know: It's garbage and doesn't belong here. But the very small plastic particles, the microplastics, are usually not visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, it is becoming an ever-increasing problem for our environment. Where is microplastic found in clothing and how does it get into wastewater? What can we do to protect our seas from microplastics from clothing?

Sustainable horse feeding - Carevallo Interview
In this interview we speak to the founder Isabel von Carevallo. At Carevallo there are no ready-made feed mixtures! With the help of a feed consultation, the feed is tailored exactly to the needs of your horse so that your horse stays healthy in the long term. The raw materials for the feed are grown regionally and are of organic quality. You can find out what exactly is behind the great concept in this blog post.
Wrap gifts sustainably
At Hoofment it is very important to us to pack your orders in a plastic-free and sustainable way! That is why we are constantly on the lookout for innovative packaging materials and put a lot of research and love into...
Fuck Black Friday

On November 26th, we will experience the world's biggest discount battle again: "Black Friday" marks the start of Christmas shopping and many bargain hunters are on an absolute buying spree. But the resistance to the shopping madness is also getting louder. Is every “bargain” really a good deal? Where is the sustainability in impulse purchases? Shouldn't we rather shop consciously and sustainably?

Pineapple leather as a leather alternative - Nafilia interview

Saddles, bridles and riding boots and sometimes even halters and gloves - everything is made of leather. As riders, we have a particularly large number of leather products! So it is high time that vegan alternatives were found for these products. The start-up Nafilia has taken on the task and produces halters made of vegan leather. A super exciting topic about which we interviewed the founder Caro...

My first own horse: my dream horse?
Are you thinking about buying your first horse or pony? Is it THE dream horse? In this blog you will not only find the usual checklists for your first horse. We at Hoofment also report on the experiences with our first dream horse or our first ponies: Jojo and Lando. :)
Cover up my horse yes or no?

Like every year in autumn: the light changes, the days get shorter and the temperatures drop. Our horses are slowly getting a thicker coat. As every year, horse owners ask us the following questions: Cover up my horse, yes or no? Is my horse already cold? From when do horses stock up? Cover at what temperatures? Does my horse even need a blanket or does nature ensure that it doesn't freeze in winter? What is best for my horse?